Starting Sunday, February 12th, a new model of worship called Godly Play was offered to our children, ages 4 through 1st grade.  This process involves helping children worship in a special place apart from the worshiping congregation, so they become able to worship meaningfully with the congregation

A sensorimotor style of storytelling will be used as a primary means for encountering God, so God is experienced and not just learned about.  Within this context, the order of worship that mimics the one experienced in the sanctuary will continue to be followed.  However, the children will be allowed to respond in a more age-appropriate way through art and songs.

As they enter the worship center upstairs, the children will be asked to take their shoes off and enter our holy center “quietly and reverently” when they are ready to worship.   A snack will continue to be offered but in the future only having a snack, or Feast, on the Sundays when communion is served to the adult congregation will be considered.  This will help prepare the children for worship with the congregation as they get older.  Another new feature will be the addition of an offering basket.  If you wish to send a few coins or small amount of money for your child to give as an offering, they will be directed them to put it in the basket.  It will be given to the church office at the end of worship.  Finally, we ask that you (or an older sibling) come upstairs to our new worship center in room 202 to quietly pick up your child at the end of worship.  While you wait at the door, they will be given a blessing and meet you in the hall to put their shoes on.

Our First Graders will continue to transition by attending Children’s Chapel on the first and third Sundays and Noah’s Neighborhood on the other Sundays.

This spring the parents (and anyone else who would like to come) will be invited to a lunch.  At that time, a demonstration of a story and a brief overview of our new worship will be presented.  Look for more information to come.