-family: comic sans ms,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 18px;”>Angel Tree Ministry is underway.

The Angel Christmas Tree special mission benefiting the Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services in Waxahachie kicked off on Sunday, November 24th.    Your help is needed to make this a happy and memorable experience for the children God has entrusted in their care. 

As you can imagine, Christmas time is full of emotion for Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services.  While they are celebrating the birth of Jesus, they are dealing with children who may be away from their families for the first time this Christmas and sorting through all the old traumas these children carry with them because the holidays may have been so stressful in the past.  It is truly our time to celebrate the idea of unconditional love and the gift of giving.  

 Please be sure to register your name beside the assigned number of your angel on our signup sheet.  We suggest that you consider sharing an angel with two or three others.   Gifts are to be returned unwrapped in a large Christmas bag with your Angel’s tag attached no later than Sunday, December 8.  If you are unable to shop but want to buy for an angel, just see Chris McDonough and she will be happy to do the shopping for